Tuesday, March 6

Blame Canada ... but not Pakistan's poor cricket form

Sheila (Kyle's mom): Times have changed, our kids are getting worse
They won't obey their parents they just want to fart and curse

Mrs. Marsh: Should we blame the government? Ms. Cartman: Or blame society?

Boys fathers: Or should we blame the images on TV?

Sheila(Kyle's mom): No,blame Canada, blame Canada
With all their beedy little eyes have packed their heads so full of lies, blame Canada, blame Canada,
we need to form a full assault its Canada's fault.
Courtesy: STLyrics.com

I want to hear Inzi's comments after this game. He might as well quote Kyle's mom in his post match interview, because he sure as hell doesn't think anything is wrong with our side.

South Park aside, Canada are in the process of wiping out Pakistan's top order. That's right. Younis Khan, Mohammad Yousuf are both in the pavilion. If we lose this game, its going to be pretty depressing and embarrassing. Though, I'd rather lose a warm-up then go down to Kenya.

Zimbabwe and Ireland seem to be equally, if not tougher, than Canada. We're done for.


Pakistan are going to go down this WC. I feel that amongst all the 'giant' test playing nations, we have the greatest probability of losing to a minnow.


Anonymous said...

Seems as if you came to some hasty judgments during the Canada match. Give 'em a chance. Now all of a sudden they're in with a chance after beating South Africa I suppose?

Unknown said...


Thank you for your comment. I apologize for my late response.

No - I don't believe it was that hasty. I feel that Pakistan should have been clinical against Canada...and they weren't. You have ot admit. 4 or 5 down...We weren't in a great position. Any other team would have had us by the scruff of our necks...

Beating SA on a bad pitch wasn't too impressive either