Friday, December 15

Malinga rocks!

I like this guy. He bowls full tosses and gets people bowled! He's quite the town of the town in New Zealand these days. He just wrecked their top order and got a 5 wicket haul in the first inning of the second test. They're definitely finding him too hard to read and have no clue what hit them.

That's awesome.

What I don't like is all the excuses the New Zealanders are making. Apparently the umpires black trousers are distracting their vision when he bowls! I heard the commentators say something about how the umpire gets in the way.

You know what? Stop making excuses. If you're getting bowled on full tosses, there is something wrong with your technique and footwork. As soon as anyone comes up with a unique action, people start complaining about how its not cricket and all that nonsense. I even read a couple of forums where these fools were accusing Malinga of chucking!

What rubbish! Malinga is cool, has a fun haircut and is aggressive (bowls either at the batsman's head or their feet!). His action is slingy, and not a chuck and all this make him an exciting player to watch.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

hmmm, you like his haircut hey... very good, looks like you're a real cricket tragic. Go buy vogue mate.

Unknown said...

clever retort anonymous

malinga might have the hair, i might be the tragic, but you dont even have the balls to write your name with your post.

yes - i like his haircut - though i wrote about 50 other words in the post describing why else i like him. you blind?

since ure anonymous, i'll assume you're a new zealander. Inferring further, i'll also just assume ure just pissed your team sucks and you can't play him.

go find your balls

Unknown said...

though once again, your comments are welcome.

But attack the post, not the writer.
