Friday, December 22

Doping Scandal continues: WADA files appeal

As everyone expected, save the PCB who assumed they were now in the clear, the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has officially filed an appeal in the Court of Sports Arbitration. They want the ban on Shoaib and Asif to be instated. From IHT...

WADA appealed that decision on Thursday to the Court of Arbitration for Sport, based in Lausanne, Switzerland. "WADA believes that the decision to overturn the sports sanctions is not in conformity with the World Anti-Doping Code," WADA spokesman Frederic Donze said in a statement Friday. "WADA has determined that it has the right — and the duty — to appeal in the circumstances in the interest of doping-free sport."

Can the players compete while this appeals process is occurring?

Now the PCB are really screwed. I doubt they ever thought it would come to this. The world is watching the PCB again. How will they respond...

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