Wednesday, October 25

Afridi and Younis Khan should be dropped from the ODI team - Someone needs to say it!

More about this later. I already wrote about Younis Khan....I implied that he needs to be dropped.

Afridi has held our team back for way too long now. I never liked him initially. I liked him a bit in the India series last year.

Its insane to see the support he has. I can see how its hard to drop him. But are bowlers really scared of him? His average has slowly been declining. Its not even that great. More about this later. I shall do my research. I know most people are suprirsed at the amount of stats I put up here!
Anyway, Afridi sucks as a batsman, and is not a very good bowler, and needs to replaced by a solid middle order batsman.

Younis Khan should not be in the ODI team. He has not impressed us for 6 years. Why should he do so now? Make someone else the captain and after Inzy retires, make Younis the Test captain.

Who's with me!?

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